Ecran SHARP LQ060B3DW02 / LQ060B3DW01
Sources :
Hi, what code are you interested in? Sorry to say, but there is any a few lines of 'custom' code involved here - the rest is already available from Raspbian OS.
The display is driven by the SOC's GPU directly, using the DPI interface (=Display Parallel Interface) → look here for a detailed description:
I'm not using the 24bit overlay since I prefer to compile a custom dt-blob file. More information on this topic are here
The four videos were displayed by using SCREEN tool. Simply install it on your RPi by sudo apt install screen
Here is the shell script which I'm using in the video:
screen -dmS vid1 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "0 4 190 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/; exec bash'
screen -dmS vid2 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "192 4 382 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/01_llama_drama_1080p.mp4; exec bash'
screen -dmS vid3 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "384 4 574 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/02_gran_dillama_1080p.mp4; exec bash'
screen -dmS vid2 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "576 4 766 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/03_caminandes_llamigos_1080p.mp4; exec bash'
As you see: pretty simple and straightforward! These are the only custom lines (when not considering the TFT module configuration).
What WIRING info are you asking for? The display has an RGB interface (you can find the data sheet i.e. here ) –> compare it with the info from DPI wiki and the 'wiring' should be clear!
By the way: some pictures showing my RPi Zero HAT for this display are here , the details on the timing for this display is here
Hi, what code are you interested in? Sorry to say, but there is any a few lines of 'custom' code involved here - the rest is already available from Raspbian OS.
The display is driven by the SOC's GPU directly, using the DPI interface (=Display Parallel Interface) → look here for a detailed description:
I'm not using the 24bit overlay since I prefer to compile a custom dt-blob file. More information on this topic are here
The four videos were displayed by using SCREEN tool. Simply install it on your RPi by sudo apt install screen
Here is the shell script which I'm using in the video: #!/bin/bash screen -dmS vid1 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "0 4 190 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/; exec bash' screen -dmS vid2 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "192 4 382 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/01_llama_drama_1080p.mp4; exec bash' screen -dmS vid3 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "384 4 574 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/02_gran_dillama_1080p.mp4; exec bash' screen -dmS vid2 sh -c 'omxplayer –win "576 4 766 124" -b /home/pi/Videos/03_caminandes_llamigos_1080p.mp4; exec bash'
As you see: pretty simple and straightforward! These are the only custom lines (when not considering the TFT module configuration).
What WIRING info are you asking for? The display has an RGB interface (you can find the data sheet i.e. here ) –> compare it with the info from DPI wiki and the 'wiring' should be clear!
By the way: some pictures showing my RPi Zero HAT for this display are here , the details on the timing for this display is here
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